This will be a very quick post of my loots today from Shiseido Sale On.
I was in facebook and came across an "SALE ALERT" from Shiseido Singapore. I decided to pay a visit to the sale, hoping that I can replenish my AC-Skincare Version Up and Aqua Shooter (I did not managed to buy much of Ettusais in Tokyo, due to no significant $$$ savings).
I was there early morning, ~10:10am and the place was already considered pack. The "booth-counters" were packed, especially Shiseido booth-counter, that I can barely peep through. I can also see gals with their "clear-plastic bags" filled to almost brim. I took around 20mins to scan the area and bought only from Ettusais and Majolica Majorca. I gave Shiseido booth-counter a skip in the end.

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