Finally, the day has come for our holiday to Tokyo, Japan. Not exactly sure can we survive our next 10days in Tokyo, with no knowledge of speaking Jap, as this is our very 1st visit to Tokyo. It took us almost a month to finalise our itinerary. There is so much places to cover in such limited times. In this 10days, we will be having 3 day trips excluding DisneySea and Odaiba.

We were informed by friends that Delta's has very strict security checks. And as a result, their check-in time is 3hrs before departure time. Dear and me decided to meet early for check-in and breakfast in Changi Airport.

We were rather surprised that Delta Airline does offer inflight entertainment. Tat becos, during online booking, it states that there is NO inflight entertainment. Anyway, I slept thru out the flight as I wish to be fully charged for my next 10days. Below are the 2 types of breakfast meal offered.

Finally, as many hours in plane, we were greeted with a cheerful and cooling weather in Tokyo, Narita Airport. Little did we expect that we would need to transfer to a bus ride to Narita Airport.

Yipee!!! Our flight arrived 30mins earlier, meaning we were able to "catch" an earlier train timing to our hotel. We fasten our pace in hoping that we can skip the crowd and clear the customs.

We also took some time to the tourist booth for some updated Tokyo guides before rushing over to Keisei Skyliner for our reserved ticket to Ueno Station.

This is the Keisei Ueno Station, which is only barely 10mins walk from our hotel and JR Ueno station. Luckily dear had taken notice of fine details by choosing a hotel near to train stations. I really have to thank him for this.

We were greeted with CHERRY BLOSSOM when we passed Ueno Park. We cant help but to take a few snaps with it before continuing our route to hotel. In fact it took us quite some time to reach our hotel, as everything on street is candy to our eyes.

Right after check-in, we visited Ameyoko and randomly picked a store for our dinner. Though it costed ~sgd$20.00 for a meal for 2, this is gonna be the "cheapest" meal we ever had throughout our trip. The presentation of the dish is appettising to anyone who sees it. Agree?

When we purchased our Skyliner Train ticket, we also top-up for a 2 day Metro Open Pass, which we intended to use them for our train route for today and tomorrow's itinerary.

Our 1st destination on the list is TOKYO TOWER. I am so glad I brought along my winter jacket (which I bought from Korea in my previous holiday), which managed to help me "survive" my next few days in Tokyo. Its freezing and so windy that it sent shivers down my spine. This jacket never left my sight whenever I am out of hotel.

We made use of our Metro Pass for our trip to Tokyo Tower. In dear's opinion, do visit Tokyo Tower at night for stunning night shots. He regretted not bringing his tripod along as it was so cold that he had difficulty take a good night shot of TOKYO TOWER.
Japan is so tourist-friendly that she never fails to provide sufficient signage for tourists. Who says you need to speak or understand Japanese to go F&E?

Since the night is still early, we stopped by Roppongi for some night shots too. Its a pity it was drizzling when we reached. With the rain and wind, we could only stroll around.

As our body are still adapting to this freezing weather, we decided to get back hotel and rest early for our "hectic" schedule tomorrow.
Read about Spring in Tokyo, Japan - Day 2
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