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July 5, 2011

Bio-Essence - Celebrity Choice OR My Choice ???

We are all aware that a healthy diet and regular exercise is the key to a svelte figure, but that doesn’t mean that we can't help to speed things up with a little EXTRA help, especially if it does not require adding on another 200 crunches or additional 30 minutes of cardio to your exercise regime.

Introducing the newCelebrity’s Choice InchLoss Body Cream Extra Strength -- packed with 2X* strength and working 2X harder with its 24hrs intense heat sensation to burn stubborn fatty deposits and shed EXTRA inches off targeted areas- flabby arms, tummy, thighs & legs, the easier way of course!
Unique with Bio-heat Burn Fats The Whole Day!

Feel the instant results: - A warm and pleasant heat sensation - Flabby skin feels tighter - Skin becomes firmer & smoother. After 7 days of twice daily usage: - Arms, tummy, thighs and legs look firmer - Achieve a slimmer silhouette and lose up to ½ inch! - Stretch marks and cellulite look less obvious.

It is packed with unique and natural bio-heat active ingredients such as Bio Mineral Amino Acid Essence & Bio Energy Fluid to greatly enhance the absorption and effectiveness of the active ingredients. It also helps speed up the reduction of stubborn fatty deposits under the skin to achieve amazing slimming results of ½ inch off arms, tummy, thighs and legs in just 7 days.

A revolutionary product that promotes blood and oxygen circulation while showering for a smoother, firmer and slimmer looking body. It contains Bio Energy Fluid, Bio Mineral Amino Acid Essence, Capsicum, Ginger, Ginseng and Pineapple Essence to stimulate the slimming and firming process while encouraging rapid cell renewal. It also deeply cleanses & exfoliates to remove dead skin cells during shower.

My Review : The BIO-ESSENCE Celebrity's Choice Inchloss Shower Scrub and Body Cream Extra Strength simply complements each other well.  I've  have a weakness for products with exfoliating properties and hence enjoyed the use of its Inchloss Shower Scrub. However, I was disappointed that I did not experienced and immediate intense heat sensation on my upper thighs. It works well as a body moisturizer but unfortunately I did not get to see a visible reduction of 1/2 inch on my upper thighs*. *Could it be that sumptuous buffet that caused its "failed" results???

Join BIO-ESSENCE here and stand to win a set of Celebrity Choice products here.


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